Saturday, January 15, 2011


Our classless governor blockhead has just humiliated himself and the entire state of his first full week on the job!! Good job, Paul. This time, the man famous for telling the President of the United States to Go To Hell has charmed the world by telling the entire NAACP to kiss his fat ass (parahprase).

You people are a "special interest group," so therefore celebrating Martin Luther King day counts as indebting oneself to the Special Interests. (I'm not sure what the Chamber of Commerce would be to LePage or how he would justify his bootlicking subservience to them...apparently they are a saintly organization that represents the best interests of everyone in the entire state, or something...but I digress).

Our governor defended his racial cred by pointing out that he has a Jamaican son. Of course, this is just a more sophisticated version of the "some of my best friends are black!" plaint that identifies one as a racist as surely as tattooing a swastita over a confederate flag on your chest.

Sadly, however, we can't be surprised. This classless moron was elected with a whopping thirty something percent of the vote by an electorate that already had ample evidence of the fact that he was, indeed, a fat headed schmuck. Oh least it will make for an entertaining four years!

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